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Life Impact Program

Life Impact Program

"Let your light so shine before men..." - Matthew 5:16a

The mission of our Life Impact program is to give youth the hope and opportunity to become who God created them to be. Our vision is to create a ripple effect that transforms families and communities through the touch of one individual. It includes the Next Generation school sponsorship program and the Empower skills development program.


In addition to providing school tuition and skilled trade training, we disciple and develop all participants into Christ-centered leaders through Bible teachings, servant leadership training, financial management education, health education (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and relational), and fellowship. When one person is impacted with the light of Christ, their light will shine on everyone they touch. Join us in spreading light to communities by sponsoring a youth today!

Next Generation Student Development Program

In Uganda, every level of school requires school fees. Many families fail to keep up with these fees causing youths to drop out and resort to early marriage, drugs, stealing, and other vices to survive. Lack of basic education also creates cycles of ignorance, poverty, disease, and hopelessness that devastate communities. Moreover, ignorance leads to the spread of superstitions and witchcraft often resulting in jealousy, hatred and attacks.


Our program enrolls children at ages 5-10 and sponsors them from primary 1 through university. By touching one child we are breaking the cycle and creating changed Christ-centered mindsets. With education, youths have higher chances of getting decent jobs which enable them to support themselves and their families and also give back and create change in the communities they came from. They can also obtain positions that allow them to make Christ-centered policies that can transform communities and the country.

Empower Skills Development Program

Because of the general poverty in our communities, many youths fail to finish school. This leaves them in a desperate and hopeless situation where they are partly educated, and yet obtain stable employment. Some youths never even get the chance to start school because of their family's poverty, which leaves them especially aimless. Many look for a way out by getting married or engaging in different vices to survive.


This program seeks to give these youths an opportunity to gain a trade skill that could become a career they can pursue with decency and dignity, transforming their lives and the lives of their families. We enroll youths ages 15-30 and sponsor their skills training in fields such as mechanics, welding, carpentry, tailoring, hairdressing, catering, or crafts. While they are enrolled in training and for one year afterward, we also engage them in fellowship and mentorship.

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